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Discover how we assist Fujifilm Graphic Systems with translation for their customer magazine PRINT!


Does Fujifilm need introduction? Not likely. A global giant headquartered in Tokyo, the Fujifilm Group provides top-notch photography and imaging solutions to consumer and corporate markets all over the world.


Fujifilm Graphic Systems Europe, their regional print products division, excels at a huge range of prepress, pressroom and software solutions, from offset to digital, from labels and packaging to textiles and wide format. For several years now, they have been relying on Sparkling Lengua for their multilingual localization needs – brochures, data sheets, mailings, videos and more. Teaming up with their communications agency, we also handle their press releases.


A recurring project is their customer magazine PRINT!, which is issued 3 times a year and which we translate into French, German, Italian and Spanish.


PRINT! is a high-profile business-to-business publication packed with insight and advice for the printing, graphic arts and creative industries. Apart from the latest Fujifilm news, it features customer testimonials and in-depth articles on market trends. In the latest edition, there were case studies from all over Europe, a feature on content marketing, a preview on Fujifilm’s showing at FESPA 2018 and much, much more.


For the past year, we have managed all of Fujifilm’s localization projects in Memsource, a cloud-based translation management system (TMS). This has allowed Fujifilm to speed up their entire workflow, facilitating communication with their in-house reviewers and marketing experts. In a centralized and fully web-based environment, they see all their jobs, along with due dates and current progress – even in real time.


Our translators also relish the streamlined, hassle-free experience. Everything they need, translatables, translation memories, glossaries, comes as a single, easy-to-use package. One feature they have particularly praised is the comprehensive preview, covering even graphically rich formats such as InDesign. This makes it much easier to fine-tune translations for an appealing, catchy style.


But Memsource is just one of the TMS solutions we routinely use. Want to find out more about Memsource, Wordbee, XTM & Co.? Get in touch with us!